
The Minister of Education participates in the graduation ceremony of students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab Academy for Science

The Minister of Education participates in the graduation ceremony of students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab Academy for Science)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, participated yesterday evening in the graduation ceremony of students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, in the presence of Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, and Dr. Alaa Abdel Wahed Abdel Bary, Vice President of the Academy. Dr. Mona Kadri, Dean of the College of Postgraduate Studies in Senior Management, and Dr. Sherine Hamdy, Advisor to the Minister for Administrative Development and Supervisor of the Central Administration for the Affairs of the Minister’s Office.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Reda Hegazy expressed his happiness at participating today in this ceremony, pointing out that the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport has been able, for nearly fifty years, to keep pace with the rapid global rhythm in the fields of education, training and scientific research, and to flood thousands of Its graduates annually acquire knowledge, modern sciences, and advanced technology in various modern fields. The Academy has achieved great development since its inception to become one of the specialized organizations, and the house of high-level expertise affiliated with the League of Arab States. In this regard, it relied on building bridges of cooperation with the most prestigious universities and research centers at the international level. the world, making its graduates the best ambassador for Egypt.

The minister said that science is power, it is the key to the future, it is the best investment in people, and it is the pillar of peoples towards progress and prosperity, indicating that building the Egyptian person is the goal that we seek, by graduating trained and qualified cadres to become future leaders and pioneers of advanced work. .

The minister added that there are classifications for the college, stressing the need to follow up the graduates of this college, and to identify the positions they occupied.

The minister added that as a continuation of the efforts of the Academy, and our belief in the necessity of concerted efforts of all national bodies and institutions, in order for Egypt to play its pioneering role, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education is working to produce an enlightened generation capable of pluralism, respecting difference, proud of its country, and preserving its higher interests, with the aim of Preserving the Egyptian national and cultural identity, pointing out that we are all striving towards one goal, which is the advancement of this country and its renaissance. From this standpoint, the Ministry welcomes more aspects of cooperation with the Academy in new fields - in addition to the cooperation that already exists - in the areas of teacher preparation according to the latest standards. International, as well as raising students' skills in programming, problem-solving, and the use of modern technology.

The minister congratulated the graduating students, and directed them to be a good role model in their society at home and abroad, and an honorable model for their country, in adhering to decent morals, authentic Egyptian customs and values, and to be keen on the security and safety of the homeland, and its national unity, and to do their best to preserve On our dear Egypt and upgrading it, stressing that Egypt deserves a lot from them, and looks forward through them to a brighter future.

The Minister extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to all the staff of the Academy, who contributed with their efforts in drawing a better future for these students, wishing success to all students of the Academy.