
The Minister of Education arrives in Aswan to follow up on the efforts to implement

The Minister of Education arrives in Aswan to follow up on the efforts to implement)

In a new stop to the continuous tours in various governorates of the Republic, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Latif, Minister of Education and Technical Education, arrived in Aswan Governorate this morning, to follow up on the preparations for the new academic year and the mechanisms being implemented to ensure the discipline of the educational system.

The Minister was received upon his arrival to the governorate by Major General Ismail Kamal, Governor of Aswan, Dr. Ayman Bahaa El-Din, Deputy Minister, Engineer Amr Helmy Lashin, Deputy Governor, and leaders of the Ministry, and Mr. Mohamed Fouad Al-Rashidi, Director of the Education Directorate in Aswan.

At the beginning of the visit, the Minister and the Governor made an inspection tour of the Al-Uruba Schools Complex, which includes 2413 male and female students, where they inspected a number of classrooms and exhibits of some students in the art education room, as part of the summer activities, where the Minister praised the skills of the male and female students.

They also held a meeting with teachers of Al-Urouba Schools Complex to discuss the latest mechanisms and decisions regulating the new academic year, where the Minister listened to their opinions and suggestions on ways to implement mechanisms to reduce student densities, fill the shortage of teachers, and attract students to schools.

Minister Mohamed Abdel Latif stressed during the meeting that the ongoing tours of the governorates come within the framework of his efforts to communicate directly with directors of educational departments, school principals, and teachers to follow up on the efforts to implement the announced mechanisms on the ground to ensure discipline in the new academic year and face the various challenges that the Ministry of Education seeks to overcome and advance the educational system.

The Minister added that the discipline and incentive regulations, which are scheduled to be issued soon, aim to achieve the highest levels of discipline within schools, restore the prestige of the teacher, and motivate students.

For his part, Major General Ismail Kamal praised the intensive efforts made by Minister Mohamed Abdel Latif to improve the performance of the educational system in various governorates, stressing his keenness to provide all means of support for these efforts to improve the quality of education in the governorate.

Following that, the Minister and the Governor inspected Ahmed Taha Hussein Secondary School, which includes 1,255 male and female students, where they inspected the school's computer lab during a training course for a number of students, and listened to some students' explanations about the extent to which they benefited from these courses in enriching their skills.

The Minister was also keen to hold a meeting with the school's teachers to discuss the announced mechanisms, stressing that the continuous efforts, whether by the Ministry's leaders or the education leaders in various governorates, aim to confront challenges related to student densities, filling the deficit in teachers, attracting students to schools, and improving the performance of school principals, which ultimately reflects on providing a distinguished educational service to students.

The meeting also witnessed a discussion on the mechanisms for implementing the reinforcement groups in the school as the beginning of the school year approaches, stressing the Ministry's keenness to provide all means of support to make the reinforcement groups successful and provide a distinguished service to students, in addition to discussing the mechanisms for implementing the discipline regulations and restructuring the secondary stage.

The Minister and the Governor are scheduled to hold a meeting with the directors of educational departments and a number of school principals in the governorates of Aswan, Luxor and Qena, to follow up on the latest developments in the efforts to implement the mechanisms and decisions regulating the various challenges with the start of the new school year.