
"Education" begins the training program to change the job title (teacher / specialist) for general and technical education for the year 2022

"Education" begins the training program to change the job title (teacher / specialist) for general and technical education for the year 2022)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, has agreed to start the training program to change the job title (teacher / specialist) for general and technical education for the year 2022, in light of Ministerial Resolution No. (41) of 2020.
The Ministry confirmed the implementation of the training program to change the job title for the members of the teaching staff who are nominated to change the job title, and that this program comes in the interest of the teachers and the quality of the educational process.
She explained that the teachers targeted for training, after fulfilling the conditions for changing the job title, must enter the digital platform of the Professional Academy for Teachers and start booking electronic training, until September 29, and the need to read and follow the instructions and instructions for booking the training program and booking the test at the end of the training program, with Knowing that the tests are conducted at the headquarters of the Professional Academy for Teachers in the governorates, and the data will be sent to the branches of the Academy to communicate with the target audience through the coordination departments of the educational directorates and departments to speed up the completion of work.
It is worth noting that the number of those accepted to change the job title (4117) teachers and specialists have applied to change the job title for them, and that there are controls for approving the change of job title for teachers, on top of which is obtaining a high qualification from the faculties of education, or a high qualification in addition to a certificate or educational qualification license. The academic qualification with the subject, specialization, study stage and the job to which he wishes to transfer, and passing the training programs necessary for transfer, which aim to acquire the skills and knowledge of the stage, job, specialization, or subject to which he is moving according to what is decided by the Board of Directors of the Professional Academy for Teachers for this purpose, and obtaining an estimate Adequacy with a competent rank during the last two years, and obtaining a certificate of validity for the stage, job, specialty or subject to which he is transferred, and that the change of name is done through the Coordination Department of the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Professional Academy for Teachers, according to the rates of disability and the increase from stage to stage. or from one substance to another.