
"Education" implements workshops to develop advanced study programs for technical education according to the professional competency methodology

"Education" implements workshops to develop advanced study programs for technical education according to the professional competency methodology)

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education held workshops for 125 developers of educational programs in technical education from various governorates, in addition to 50 experts from representatives of industry and the private sector, with the aim of working on developing technical education curricula according to the merits methodology, at Fayoum Hotel School, in cooperation with the Project The development of technical and vocational education and training TVET Egypt funded by both the European Union and the Egyptian government.

This came to start developing and formulating general frameworks for many advanced study programs that will be implemented in the coming years in a number of technical schools that possess the material and human resources to provide advanced technical education in line with the development in the Egyptian technical education system.

Dr. Mohamed Mousa Emara, Head of the Technical Education Sector, said that building the capacities of technical education teachers is the basis of all development work so that teachers can implement development in a way that gives technical education graduates the skills and behaviors that enable them to compete for decent job opportunities in the local, regional and international labor markets.

It is worth noting that Ministerial Resolution No. 42 issued on 3/22/2022 reorganized advanced technical education by allowing all students to obtain a three-year technical school diploma in accordance with the study programs developed according to the competency methodology, with the opportunity for all students to enroll in study programs developed according to the methodology Professional competencies for an additional two years in what are known as (+2) programs to obtain the advanced technical diploma, in order to ensure the development of curricula in light of the rapid and successive technological development, and in order to facilitate graduates to complete their university education in accordance with the regulations set by the Supreme Council of Universities.

The advanced technical programs that are currently being developed include all sectors of industrial, agricultural, commercial, and hotel education, as well as many professions that serve the labor market such as automobile autotronics, CNC machines, central air-conditioning technology and cold rooms, information technology, and agricultural technology. Modern, food safety technology.