
"Education" launches a cooperation agreement with the Workforce Egypt project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development

"Education" launches a cooperation agreement with the Workforce Egypt project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development)

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education has signed a cooperation agreement with the Workforce Egypt project, funded by the US Agency for International Development, which is working to establish a portal (interactive technical education schools) to serve as a means of communication between units facilitating the transition to the labor market at the central levels, governorates, and schools. It is carried out by holding workshops on 9/15/2021 and 9/16/2021; To discuss the action plan and challenges.
The project aims to prepare necessary skills for competitiveness in the Egyptian labor market, which will help create jobs and job opportunities for young men and girls, build the capabilities of the Egyptian private sector and business, and contribute to activating the foreign trade process, in addition to building strong foundations for a strong and competitive economy.
The project is implemented in 15 governorates (Alexandria, Damietta, Port Said, Ismailia, Sharkia, Gharbia, Menoufia, Red Sea, Fayoum, Aswan, Beni Suef, Minya, Assiut, Beheira, Luxor).
In his speech, Dr. Mohamed Megahed, Deputy Minister of Education for Technical Education, expressed his happiness at signing the cooperation agreement for this new project funded by the US Agency for International Development, Manpower Egypt and the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, stressing that this new project will achieve great successes for several reasons. Including the already tangible success on the ground, which was achieved by the WISE project in cooperation with the Agency in a number of governorates, noting that this project has benefited not only at the level of these governorates, but has extended to include a large number of technical education schools on a larger scale.
The Deputy Minister indicated that the efforts made during the past four years to develop technical education proved successful in cooperation with international success partners and the private sector, and the ministry is working to enhance and increase this cooperation in the future.
Dr. Mohamed Megahed explained that the success that has been achieved is evident through the Knowledge Index issued by the United Nations Development Program, which indicated an improvement in Egypt's ranking in technical education and vocational training at the international level, from 113th out of 138 countries in 2017 to 80th. Which is a huge leap, saying: We are looking forward to further improvement in this indicator.
The Deputy Minister for Technical Education stressed that technical education and vocational training receives great attention from the state, and considers it the first step in economic growth, so important measures and steps were taken for the structural reform process, including the process of development and change on a large and large scale in various types of technical education schools and changing the outlook society to graduate technical education, and targeting the graduation of generations capable of leading Egypt’s industrial renaissance through professional training at the highest level, partnership with European countries and advanced institutions in technical education, and strengthening cooperation with the private sector, in addition to establishing an independent quality authority for technical education. The state is striving to increase funding for technical education to achieve the desired reform.
Dr. Mohamed Megahed pointed out that the report issued recently by the Council of Ministers on technical education and vocational training in Egypt has won the admiration of our international partners and the media, explaining that this report includes indicators for the development of technical education in the coming years, which reflects the success of technical education and vocational training in Egypt.
In her speech, Dr. Laura Gonzalez, Director of the Economic Development Sector at the US Agency for International Development, said that this project works to achieve the technical education strategy in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, noting that during five years of cooperation with the ministry, 63 schools were developed. technicians in (11) governorates, in addition to contributing to the appointment of more than 33 graduates.
For his part, Joseph Ghanem, Project Manager for Egypt Manpower, said that we look forward to more achievements and to continue to contribute; To promote and achieve the technical education strategy through the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, and to present the programs implemented by the project in cooperation with the Ministry and private sector companies; To improve labor productivity, in addition to launching the labor market information report, and launching the interactive technical education schools portal, pointing to the importance of the workshop held in discussing the mechanism for implementing the plan for the first year of the project, from October 2021 to September 2022, and implementing the project’s future plan and objectives during the five years. coming years until May 2026.
Dr. Rasha Abdel Hakim, an advisor to the US Agency for International Development, said that the project is carried out through three components, namely the development of technical education and supply in the labor market; To create job opportunities for young men and girls, deal with the private sector, increase labor efficiency, implement training programs through employment, manage human resources, and establish skilled sectoral councils, in addition to focusing on improving the supportive environment to increase the efficiency of the labor market, supporting the establishment of participatory economic councils in several governorates, and studying labor market obstacles. .
Mohamed Fawzy, Deputy Project Director, indicated that the project activities include supporting the establishment of 10 international schools for applied technology, supporting the quality and accreditation of technical education schools, professional development activities for technical education teachers, establishing new specializations based on the merits methodology, as well as supporting activities to facilitate the transition to the labor market. Such as vocational guidance and counseling, entrepreneurship, innovation, employment and labor market information, by providing 50,000 decent job opportunities for graduates, 30,000 training opportunities for students, establishing two consultative councils for economic development, establishing sectoral skills councils, and working to improve the societal mental image of technical education.

In addition to developing the course of commercial education, and introducing 7 new specializations in the field of technical education.
This came in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Emara, head of the technical education sector, and a number of leaders of technical education in the ministry, and from the US Agency for International Development, Dr. Laura Gonzalez, director of the economic development sector, Dr. Rasha Abdel Hakim, adviser to the US Agency for International Development, Joseph Ghanem, project manager, and Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Deputy of the project, and a number of representatives of the Workforce Egypt project.