
"Education" holds a meeting to start implementing the training package to develop teachers' skills in developing students' awareness of climate changes in cooperation with UNICEF

"Education" holds a meeting to start implementing the training package to develop teachers' skills in developing students' awareness of climate changes in cooperation with UNICEF)

To complete the activation of the training package, as part of the preparations to participate in the activities of the 27th session of the Cop 27 Climate Change Conference for the year 2022,
Today, in the video conference hall of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, a meeting was held with the directors of training departments in the educational directorates at the level of the Republic to discuss the mechanism for implementing the training package to develop the skills of teachers and managers in developing student awareness of climate changes in light of the requirements of sustainable development in cooperation with UNICEF.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Deputy Minister for Teachers’ Affairs, stressed that the general objective of the training is to build the capacities of teachers and principals in developing students’ awareness of climate changes to enhance their positive environmental practices in accordance with the requirements of sustainable development.

He explained that by the end of this training, the participant will be able to deduce the relationship between climate change and sustainable development, identify concepts related to climate change, biodiversity and environmental sustainability, identify a list of topics in his specialization related to climate change, biological diversity and environmental sustainability, and plan a unit of study. To raise awareness of climate change, design school-wide activities to educate students about the effects of climate change, and identify mechanisms for evaluating positive environmental practices in students’ behaviour.
He stressed the need to educate students and train them through artworks in the conference exhibition, and that the works should send a message to the whole world through Egypt’s students to introduce the portfolios and the mechanism of implementation through three axes: climate change, environmental sustainability and biological diversity. Through the study materials, noting that the target group for training are teachers and school principals.

For her part, Dr. Amira Fouad, Director of Education Programs at UNICEF, explained that within the framework of international efforts and attention to climate change, the entire world has become concerned with the issue of climate change and its catastrophic effects on the world and determining the role of each individual in preserving the environment, and stressed the important role of the Ministry of Education as One of the ministries that are most able to directly reach a large group of students, youth and the community surrounding the school through environmental awareness and accompanying activities from competitions and all that the school will do to raise awareness of the community and the surrounding environment.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Dr. Reda Hegazy honored the training managers in charge of implementing the training package in the directorates of Cairo, Giza, Ismailia, Dakahlia, Damietta and Beni Suef.

This came in the presence of Dr. Amira Fouad, Director of Education Programs at UNICEF, Dr. Hassan Gawish, representative of the Professional Academy for Teachers, Dr. Mosaad Mustafa Abdo, Director General of Environmental and Population Education, and a number of directors of training departments in the governorates.