
The Ministers of "Education" and "Environment" witness the opening session of the launch of the largest training and awareness program on the concepts of climate change issues

The Ministers of "Education" and "Environment" witness the opening session of the launch of the largest training and awareness program on the concepts of climate change issues)

Today, Dr. Tarek Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education, and Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, witnessed the inaugural session towards launching the largest training and awareness program on the concepts of climate change issues ToT, which will be held from 8 to 11 August, through two training bags, one of which is For teachers, and the other for principals, under the title (Supporting the skills of teachers and principals in developing student awareness of climate changes, in light of the requirements of sustainable development).
Dr. Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education, expressed his happiness to participate in this important event on one of the most important issues of concern to humanity, and affect the present and future of this planet, where it originated and life, which is the issue of "climate change", stressing that we are trying together in a framework of cooperation. The common goal is to find ways to survive towards a better future for future generations, to ensure better levels of quality of life within the framework of a healthy, safe environment and green sustainable development.
Shawky stressed that the bright future for future generations will not be achieved unless all efforts in various sectors are combined, bearing in mind that this issue transcends the local borders, because of its global and historical dimensions, as the practices of previous generations are reflected on it, and the results that future generations will reap on it are built upon. From this standpoint, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, invited the international community to convene the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022.
The Minister of Education and Technical Education clarified that the commitment of all state agencies to organize this conference to the fullest extent, all local and international governmental institutions, and non-governmental organizations are working to continue full coordination and constructive cooperation among them, in order to achieve the objectives of the conference, and its exit in the best picture.
Based on that, we affirm that the Ministry is a major and active partner with all relevant parties in all community issues, especially the issue of climate change.
He pointed out that the main goal that we seek is to develop students’ awareness of this pivotal issue, through the development of the awareness of the teacher and the principal, so this portfolio was directed to them as a target group as a step towards achieving the final objectives of the portfolio, which is to build generations working to protect the environment and control changes. Climate change, in order to protect the rights of future generations, and in the belief that raising awareness of climate change issues, increasing knowledge about them, and changing behaviors that preserve the environment and the climate, are not limited to a set of training and awareness programs that we meet today, so they are also included in the education curricula. The New 2.0, in light of Egypt’s 2030 vision, in the fields of education and sustainable development.
At the conclusion of his speech, Dr. Tarek Shawky thanked all the partners who worked to bring this bag to light, and the colleagues who formulated and developed it from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, and the Professional Academy for Teachers, which reviewed and approved the training bag, in addition to the support The comprehensive plan submitted by UNICEF, within the framework of achieving the National Strategy for Climate Change 2050.
For her part, Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, stressed the importance of integrating environmental issues, especially climate change, which has become one of the most important environmental issues on the global scene, noting that work on integrating environmental terms into educational curricula began three years ago, in cooperation with Dr. Tarek Shawky, Minister of Education. Education and technical education.
The Minister of Environment thanked the Minister of Education for his cooperation and belief in the importance of integrating environmental terms into educational curricula to create a conscious generation capable of facing climate changes that have affected all walks of life. For their efforts, for UNICEF and the United Nations Development Program.
The Minister of Environment expressed her happiness at launching the awareness campaign, which targets about 350,000 male and female teachers, in order to integrate the concept of climate change into school subjects, each in its own right, especially before Egypt hosts the 27th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change.
During the campaign launch ceremony, Yasmine Fouad presented a brief and simplified overview of the concept of climate change, explaining that it is an increase and decrease in temperatures at the wrong time as a result of incorrect human behavior such as increasing emissions, not rationalizing water, wrong handling of waste, and other reasons that lead to To the rise in sea level, the heavy rainfall in untimely conditions, which puts pressure on the infrastructure of countries that cannot absorb all this amount, which prompted the Egyptian state to implement many projects to confront climate changes.
The minister indicated that every environmental topic will be linked to a study subject, as new and renewable energy projects can be linked to science, sea level rise can be linked to geography, and the issue of waste can be linked to chemistry.
For his part, Dr. Reda Hegazy, Deputy Minister for Teachers’ Affairs, said that the training package includes a discussion of environmental concepts and major climate issues, such as (climate changes, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability), and the information and knowledge it contains, as this bag includes - an addition to abstract information - developing the skills of teachers and administrators in constructing a range of activities accompanying the curricular topics they teach or supervise; To provide students with positive attitudes towards environmental issues and its protection, and to discover innovative ways to achieve this, consistent with their academic stages, abilities, skills, and ages, while applying them on the ground, and spreading awareness among peers, family, and the surrounding community, noting that this bag is targeted at its stage The first is the training of about 150 teachers and principals at all levels of study, to qualify them as certified trainers in the “Climate Change Bag” so that they, in turn, train 350 thousand teachers and directors at the level of the Republic; To spread awareness of environmental and climate issues, and prepare a teacher in each school to convert them into schools and centers that adopt this issue and spread awareness of its various fields.
Dr. Reda Hegazy pointed out the importance of teachers identifying the topics, each in their specialization, that deal with the concepts of climate change, environmental sustainability and biodiversity, and employing them through academic subjects.
Dr. Reda Hegazy added that in accordance with what President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that the climate conference that will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh will constitute a milestone in the field of international action, we seek to form the awareness of future generations, develop their skills to preserve the environment, and create a green environment that suits their aspirations in better future.
For his part, Mr. Jeremy Hopkins, UNICEF Representative in Egypt, expressed in his speech his gratitude for participating in that conference and distinguished training, congratulating Dr. Tarek Shawky and all the officials in charge of this work.
He explained that we suffer from climatic changes that negatively affect the environment and have serious consequences every day, and Egypt is one of the first countries to make efforts to combat pollution, and giving students and children knowledge of these changes and how to combat them is the way to success in solving this crisis.
He added that climate change and global warming are considered a global crisis that affects the future of children, their development, health, and their lives, as there are more than a billion children globally living in areas that suffer from severe climate change, so it was necessary to think about the participation of children in knowing this crisis, and that By entering that information into the educational system in the curricula and activities.
At the end of his speech, he wished success in reaching the desired result of that training.
This came in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Gad, President of the Professional Academy for Teachers, Dr. Rabab Imam, Director General of Art Education Development, a number of directors of training departments in the governorates, a number of leaders of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Environment, and a number of UNICEF representatives.