
620 thousand and 133 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the examination of the subjects “Arabic Language” and “Biology” electronically

620 thousand and 133 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the examination of the subjects “Arabic Language” and “Biology” electronically)

620 thousand and 133 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school, out of a total of 656,834 male / female students nationwide, attended today to take the “Arabic Language” and “Biology” subjects exams on the website of the electronic exam platform through tablets on the first days of the exams The first semester of the academic year 2020/2021, which lasts until March 8, 2021.

552,936 male / female students were able to take the Arabic language exam by 89.1%, while 569,213 male / female students were able to take the biology exam by 91.8%.

And for students who were unable to take the exam from the first year of secondary school today, due to any legal or satisfactory reasons, or exposure to a problem within the committee that hinders the examination, and this has been proven in official records within the committee, the exam will be repeated for them later inside their schools later.

In addition, 26624 male and female students in the first grade of secondary school (homes - integration - international) took the exam on paper out of a total of 30,786 male / female students, with an attendance rate of 86.6%.

It is worth noting that tomorrow, Sunday, February 28, 2021, second-grade secondary school students will sit for the exam in the subjects of “Arabic Language” and “Algebra, Calculus and Trigonometry”.