
The Minister of Education issues a ministerial decision regarding the study and evaluation system

The Minister of Education issues a ministerial decision regarding the study and evaluation system)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, issued a ministerial decision regarding the study and evaluation system for students in grades (fourth, fifth, and sixth) of the primary cycle.

The decision stipulates that the curricula stipulated in this decision shall be applied to students in grades (fourth, fifth, and sixth) of the primary cycle in all public education schools (official - official for languages - official for distinguished languages - for both types of Arabic and languages) starting from the academic year 2023/2024.

The decision indicated that the curricula to be applied to the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of the primary cycle include the Arabic language five periods, religious education (Islamic and Christian) one period, mathematics three periods, science two periods, the English language (connect) two periods, and social studies one and a half periods. Information and communications technology one period, vocational skills one period, values and respect for others half a period, artistic education one period, physical and health education one period, music education half a period, tokatsu activities half a period, and the English language (Connect Plus) for official language schools and private schools. Which is taught in English in two periods, taking into account that the total periods of the school day are 4 periods, the total number of periods per week is 20 periods, and the duration of the period is two periods.

The decision explained that teachers of basic subjects participate in teaching the curriculum, each in his specialty, and the Arabic language and religious education teachers also teach the academic periods designated for the curriculum of values and respect for others, half an Arabic language period per week. As for the information technology subject, a computer teacher is used to teach it. Automation, or technological development. As for vocational skills, it is taught by teachers in the fields and activities. As for tokatsu activities, teachers who have been trained are used to implement them.

The decision also clarified that the technical guidance for academic subjects should be through the general guidance of academic subjects in the directorate, each in his specialty, down to the first subject supervisor in the educational administration, up to the subject supervisor in charge of the school.

The decision affirmed that the directors of the Directorate of Education in the governorates may make the necessary amendments to the school system, according to the circumstances of each governorate, provided that this does not affect the basic content of the academic program and its philosophy. The decision also affirmed that it is prohibited to implement any academic curricula other than the curricula contained in this decision.

The decision also stipulated that the evaluation system be based on measuring the learning outcomes of the developed academic subjects, and students in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of the primary cycle study (12) courses, in addition to tokatsu activities, and are evaluated as follows: As for tests, they are divided into three tests in For one semester, the first test targets the parts of the course that were taught in the first month and measures the targeted learning outcomes in that period of time only. The second test targets the parts of the course that were taught in the second month and measures the targeted learning outcomes in that time period, and is allocated to each session. One of the previous two tests is a one-semester test, and it is done under the supervision of the teacher in the last week of the month. As for the final test, it is held at the end of each semester and measures the targeted learning outcomes for the entire semester. At the end of the semester, the student obtains a total of the three grades.

As for performance tasks, they measure the extent to which students have acquired skills and provide evidence of achieving the targeted learning outcomes during the semester. They represent short tasks that the learner can complete in a period of time of an academic period. The teacher distributes to the students a number of tasks related to the course, and the student chooses One of them, so that it is completed within the specified period, taking into account that the teacher provides the necessary support to his students in choosing the tasks appropriate to their inclinations, and allocates (35) marks for the performance tasks for each subject, distributed to good planning 5 marks, serious work 5 marks, and the final product 25 marks.

As for regular attendance, the decision indicated that five grades are allocated in each subject for students’ regular attendance at school, and are calculated as follows: The student deserves 5 grades if he consistently attends school, and sometimes misses 3 days with an acceptable excuse, and the student deserves 3 grades for The case of his regular attendance at school and his occasional absence without excuse. The student deserves one grade if he is absent often without excuse.

As for the course on values and respect for others, the teacher evaluates the performance of his students, according to performance rates, by conducting a formative evaluation. As for the courses of art education, physical and health education, musical education, and tokatsu activities, the teacher evaluates the students’ performance according to the learning outcomes of each subject included in the curriculum. This is referred to as (passed but did not pass).

The decision also included that the result of the learner’s evaluation be expressed in the form of four colors, which express the extent to which the learner has acquired knowledge and skills. Through the colors, the learner recognizes the development of his performance as the blue color shows that the learner has exceeded expectations in acquiring the knowledge and skills required by ( 85 to 100), the green color indicates that the learner has possessed the required knowledge and skills from 65 (to less than 85), the yellow color indicates that the learner needs some support from (5 to less than 65), and the red color indicates that the learner has not mastered this knowledge. And the required skills, and still needs a lot of support (from 1 to less than 50).

The decision also included that when estimating a student’s grades and announcing the final result for the academic year, the student’s grade in one course should be calculated according to the evaluation system and its tools referred to in this decision, and the total grades for all courses should be equal, calculated out of (100) grades, and given to the student in the form of Colors. The student’s grades are also calculated by calculating the arithmetic average of the grades of the two semesters of the subject, according to the following equation: the total grades of the first semester + the total grades of the second semester = the final grade of the subject, provided that the grades are converted to colors, and the student’s success is required to obtain At least 30% of the second semester exam grade in each exam subject, and the student moves to the second semester, if he passes the courses from yellow to blue, and if the student gets red in one of the courses, a He has the second round test, and if he continues to receive the red color, he is considered to have failed, and he must repeat the school year again. The students who will be given the second round test are evaluated for what they studied in the two semesters together, through tests only, and the results are announced in the first and second semesters. Through the colors previously indicated and not through grades, the result of the student’s evaluation by the class leader teacher for various personal and behavioral aspects is placed at the bottom of the success notification, which includes monitoring points of excellence and diagnosing weaknesses, in addition to the result of evaluating tendencies and trends.