In implementation of the system of curricula based on professional competencies "Education", it was decided to freeze the specialization of tractors and agricultural machinery in industrial secondary schools
Based on the technical education strategy and within the framework of a system of curricula based on professional competencies, which aims to link technical education graduates to the labor market, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education announced that the current specializations in technical education have been reviewed and reconsidered in accordance with the needs of the labor market.
The ministry said that due to the continuous development and the intervention of modern technology in agricultural sciences in particular, and what is happening in modern technologies in the field of agricultural machinery, a joint committee was formed between industrial technical guidance and agricultural education to discuss the similarity between the specialization of tractors and agricultural machinery, noting that it was found that there is a specialty Similar in the field of agricultural education equivalent to the specialization of tractors and agricultural machinery, it was recently developed according to the professional competency system, which is “Agricultural Engineering Technician”, through which the student acquires skills in dealing with agricultural machinery. Each agricultural school is attached to a farm with an appropriate area in which we ensure that the student implements the practical skills for this. Specialization.
The ministry added that in order not to repeat the same specialization in two different types of agricultural education and industrial education, it was found that it is better to freeze the specialization of tractors and agricultural machinery in industrial education, after reviewing the curriculum for this specialization and found that it is similar to the curriculum for the specialization of heavy equipment by 80%. It is similar to the curriculum of the automotive specialization by 50%.
By studying the needs of the labor market in this industry, the ministry confirmed that the modern trend calls for the expansion of the profession of maintenance of heavy equipment and modern cars more than for the specialization of tractors and machines, and therefore we see the continuation of the agricultural engineering technician specialization that is better, more comprehensive and more appropriate than its presence under its current name of industrial education, and in the interest of the educational process note That the theoretical and practical faculty in this specialization will not suffer any harm at all, as they will be employed in teaching the specialization of heavy equipment and the specialty of cars according to the developed curricula after a partial transformational training for them.
The ministry explained that the decision that was taken, which is to freeze the specialization, means that students in the first grade will not be accepted for this specialization starting from the next academic year, while continuing to use the current equipment to liquidate second and third grade students and start transferring redundant machines and equipment for agricultural education gradually to maximize the benefit from them.