
"Education" announces the link for high school grievances for the academic year 2020/2021

"Education" announces the link for high school grievances for the academic year 2020/2021)

The Ministry of Education, Education and Technical Education has announced the online link to accept requests to re-examine the answer sheets for high school students for free, and applications will continue to be accepted for a week, and the examination results will be sent until next September 13, via the following link: https://tazalom.emis.gov. eg
The Ministry explained that the examination includes the Ministry's confirmation of the examination paper and its attribution to the student, and it is manually re-corrected if necessary.
The student will receive the result of the examination electronically, explaining the validity of the paper, its proportion to him, the grades obtained, as well as an electronic copy of his corrected answer sheet to reassure himself of the correctness of the correction.
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