
The "Education", the "National for Human Rights" and the "National for Childhood and Motherhood" sign a cooperation protocol to spread the culture of children's rights and awareness of them

The "Education", the "National for Human Rights" and the "National for Childhood and Motherhood" sign a cooperation protocol to spread the culture of children's rights and awareness of them)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, Ambassador Moshira Khattab, President of the National Council for Human Rights, and Dr. Tariq Tawfiq, Deputy Minister of Health and Population for Population Affairs and General Supervisor of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the National Population Council, signed a joint cooperation protocol to spread a culture of children’s rights and awareness of them.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, expressed his happiness at signing this protocol, stressing that the ministry is working to care for young people, and to instill societal, human, educational and cultural values ​​in our children. As children represent about 40% of Egypt's population, most of them are in the stages of basic education, and the Ministry is developing the pre-university education system in Egypt to provide a pioneering model in the region and provide fair opportunities for all children to obtain high-quality education, in light of Egypt's strategy for sustainable development "Vision Egypt 2030.

The minister said that, based on this role, the ministry seeks fruitful and constructive cooperation with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, the National Population Council, and the National Council for Human Rights, as independent national institutions, in order to spread the culture of children’s rights, awareness of them, and education on them, through The protocol to be signed between all parties.

The minister explained that this protocol aims to uphold the rights of children and raise their awareness and the awareness of their families, as they are the most vulnerable to many negative cultural and social legacies in society. treatment, promoting psychological rehabilitation programs for victims of violence, raising awareness of the importance of mental health, raising community awareness of the rights of people of determination, and participating in the preparation of positive plans; To ensure their rights, improve their conditions, pay attention to social and health care, participate in awareness meetings related to demographic characteristics in the field of childhood and motherhood, in addition to facilitating the implementation procedures of the protocol, and for the joint coordinating committee between the parties to evaluate and follow up on the implementation of its provisions.

The minister pointed out that the always present goal is to work to promote a culture of societal awareness towards children and people with special needs, and to spread a culture of human rights under the new republic launched by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, which is based on the pillar of concern for human rights.

Ambassador Moushira Khattab, Chairperson of the National Council for Human Rights, affirmed that investing in children represents the largest return because they are the largest segment of society, through which several non-positive phenomena in society can be confronted, such as child labor, dropouts from education and population increase, as Egypt is living in an exceptional stage through the issuance of The National Strategy for Human Rights, noting that this protocol works to implement what came in the national strategy with the Ministry of Education and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.

She added that the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, the National Population Council, and the National Council for Human Rights, as independent national institutions, seek to cooperate in spreading a culture of child rights, awareness of it, and education on it, so that every child is guaranteed the right to enjoy all the rights and freedoms stipulated in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, without any kind. Any type of discrimination based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth, or others.

Dr. Tareq Tawfiq said that raising awareness of childhood and motherhood issues in Egypt is marred by some problems, expressing his happiness at signing this protocol as it will contribute to raising awareness of childhood issues.

Tawfiq added that cooperation with the Ministry of Education is an important step, as education is the magic gateway to the advancement of societies, pointing out that the endeavor of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood aims to raise awareness of child issues.

The protocol stipulates that the three parties are committed to joint cooperation in reviewing and issuing laws related to children’s rights, including: the law to prevent child marriage, strengthening measures to prevent forced and temporary marriage, and establishing a legal system different from the justifications for pre-trial detention if the accused is a child over 15 years of age, which tightens the necessary conditions. Availability of detention, and participation in the work to strengthen the judicial system for child witnesses.

The protocol also stipulates that the three parties shall cooperate and coordinate with the General Department of Community Education at the Ministry of Education to implement an awareness program targeting the 1,197 girl-friendly school students to work on raising the awareness of the students and their families as marginalized groups, and the most vulnerable to many negative cultural and social legacies in society. In order to uphold their rights by raising awareness about combating violence against them, child labor, child marriage and how to protect them.