
The Minister of Education participates in a symposium entitled “Implementing Second 5”

The Minister of Education participates in a symposium entitled “Implementing Second 5”)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, participated today in the second symposium entitled “The 5 Second Application,” which was held on the sidelines of the Ministry’s participation in the Cairo International Technology Exhibition “Cairo ICT” for the year 2023, which was held during the period from November 19 to November 22, 2023.

The “5 Second Application,” launched by the Ministry for the first time, contains interactive educational games that help children and students make sound decisions through different life situations, which contributes to their positive upbringing.

The symposium included a panel discussion, in which Ambassador Nabila Makram, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fahim Trustees for Psychological Support, Dr. Abdel Nasser Omar, Managing Director of Al Mashfa Hospital for Psychological Support, director Sandra Nashat, and Mohamed Hani, the content expert, participated. It was moderated by journalist Khairy Ramadan.

During the symposium, a video film called “Friday” was shown, the events of which were filmed inside the school and deals with addressing one of the psychological problems that students go through, and identifying the causes of this problem through the teacher following up on the student in the classroom, and paying attention to his psychological state, in order to solve the problem.

Dr. Reda Hegazy stressed that education should not be reduced to teaching only, pointing out the importance of positive education, which requires professionalism and a professional prepared for that.

The minister said that the teacher should not rush to punish a child for misbehavior before knowing the reason for the behavior, which may be stronger than the behavior itself.

The Minister stressed the importance of positive education and developing the student’s personality, noting that this is what the Egyptian state seeks to achieve, and this will only be achieved through close cooperation between the school and the family.

The Minister also indicated that the book “Values and Respect for Others” is taught at the primary stage, and it includes a set of values that contribute to the formation of the child’s personality, directing that these values be presented in the form of cinematic works to consolidate the values and contribute to building the personality that society needs.

Dr. Reda Hegazy explained that the “5 Second Application” represents an unconventional step presented by the Ministry with the aim of achieving interaction with students and guiding them to sound decisions through dramatic interactive content.

Ambassador Nabila Makram, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fahim Trustees for Psychological Support, expressed her happiness with the works presented that embody the problems on the ground, noting that these works focus on caring for the child, his psychological state, and modern education, noting that this had not happened previously, as it was Focusing only on education, grades and excellence, stressing the importance of psychological support for students, which helps spread the message of mental health, especially the early stages of life.

Ambassador Nabila Makram pointed to the cooperation between the Fahim Foundation for Psychological Support and the Ministry of Education to train social and psychological specialists because of their major role in taking care of students psychologically, and cooperating with the family in treating any psychological disorder of the child.

For his part, Dr. Abdel Nasser Omar, Professor of Psychiatry at Ain Shams University and member of the Board of Trustees of the Fahim Foundation for Psychological Support, stressed the importance of teacher and psychologist and social worker’s awareness of psychological problems in children and adolescents, and discovering psychological diseases that some students may suffer from since childhood and may worsen and lead to their delay. Academically, if it is not discovered and treated at a young age.

Dr. Abdel Nasser Omar said that such good and different ideas and topics work to bring about a real shift in students’ psychological mood and reduce the rates of psychological illnesses. They also work to reduce the rates of children’s absence from school.

For her part, director Sandra Nashaat said that the Ministry of Education and Technical Education is responsible for the development and education of students, noting that when presenting distinguished and honest work, assistance is sought from students who present natural personalities who are honest and expressive without artificiality or assignment.

She praised the talent of the students participating in the dramatic film experience aimed at introducing positive education, noting the important role of school theater in discovering talented people in the field of acting and developing their talents, stressing that she will continue to direct other works in the next stage that embody the real problems within the school and shed light on them and address them.

Mohamed Hani, the content expert, also expressed his welcome for the presented model, and considered it a very important and honest move because they are true heroes, praising the role of director Sandra Nashaat, who made a great effort to produce this work, with the creative messages it presents.