
The Minister of Education reviews the mechanisms and procedures of the Ministry in preparation for the general secondary exams 2022-2023

The Minister of Education reviews the mechanisms and procedures of the Ministry in preparation for the general secondary exams 2022-2023)

the Ministry of Education and Technical Education held a press conference. To clarify future visions and review the efforts and measures taken by the Ministry in light of the preparations for the General Secondary Education Certificate Examinations 2022-2023, which will be held on June 12.

Dr. Reda Hegazy began his speech by emphasizing the Ministry's endeavor to achieve the principle of transparency, raise the state of community awareness, and convey the correct image to the public objectively and impartially, referring to the important role of the media in supporting the development of the educational process in Egypt.

The minister indicated that this year, the ministry was keen to take new measures aimed at early preparation for high school exams, facilitating and reassuring our students, as well as achieving justice and equal opportunities among them.

During the meeting, Dr. Reda Hegazy reviewed the measures taken by the ministry in light of the preparations for the general secondary exams, noting that with regard to the examination paper, the technical specifications have been modified to become multiple choice of 85% MCQ, and an essay part not exceeding 15% of the grade is added, according to nature of each substance.

The minister also confirmed that the ministry was keen to reassure high school students and inform them of the specifications of the examination paper early, and in this context he reviewed an illustrative model for the student's answer sheet, which includes the part designated for answering essay questions, and the bubble sheet, stressing that the student must write his data in the part designated for that. On the answer sheet and questions during the exam, as well as making sure that the sitting numbers are written correctly, indicating that the sitting numbers will be distributed to students in mid-May.

The minister explained that the question paper was organized so that the first part includes questions with one degree, and the second part includes questions with two degrees, while the third part is dedicated to essay questions and the score of each question is written next to it, indicating that the essay questions in the four test versions (A A, B, C, and D) have the same numbers, and they are not interchanged. For questions of languages ​​(Arabic - foreign), in the case of two-degree questions with one-degree questions, as in the piece, the question score is written next to the question.

The minister also indicated that adjustments have been made to the number and type of questions in each academic subject to give the student the opportunity and sufficient time to answer and review, explaining that it was stressed that the questions be clear and range from easy to difficult, provided that they do not bear more than one answer in multiple-choice questions. In addition to taking into account the number of steps in the solution, and that the answer alternatives be short.

The minister reviewed the amendment in the number and type of questions, which came as follows: With regard to the Arabic language subject, with a total score of 80 degrees, the number of essay questions is 4 essay questions allocated to 10 degrees, and the number of objective questions is 51 questions, with a total of 70 degrees, bringing the total number of questions to 55 questions. The first foreign languages (English, French, German) have a total score of 50, so the number of essay questions is 3 questions assigned to 8 marks, the objective questions are 34 questions assigned to them 42 marks, bringing the total number of questions to 37 questions, and the second foreign languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese ) and a total of 40 degrees, so the number of essay questions is 2 questions assigned to them 6 degrees and the objective questions 29 questions assigned to them 34 degrees, bringing the total number of questions to 31 questions, as for scientific subjects (Physics Chemistry Biology Geology) and their total total is 60 degrees, the number of essay questions 2 questions are assigned to 4 degrees, and 44 questions are assigned to objectivity, to which 56 degrees are allocated, bringing the total number of questions to 46 questions. As for literary subjects (history, geography, philosophy and logic, psychology and sociology), the sum of their scores is 60 degrees, so the number of essay questions is 2 questions assigned to them. 4 degrees, and objective 44 questions assigned to it 56 degrees, bringing the total number of questions to 46 questions, and with regard to pure mathematics and its total score of 60 degrees, 30 degrees for algebra and geometry, so the number of essay questions is 2 questions assigned to them 4 degrees, and objective 18 questions assigned to them 26 degrees The total number of questions becomes 20 questions, and the subject of calculus and integration with a total score of 30 degrees, which includes 2 essay questions assigned to it 4 degrees and 18 objective questions assigned to it 26 degrees, so that the total number of questions becomes 20 questions. As for the subject of applied mathematics, its total score is 60 degrees, 30 degrees for statics, so the number of essay questions is 2, with 4 degrees assigned, 18 objective questions assigned with 26 degrees, bringing the total number of questions to 20, and dynamics with a total of 30 degrees, including 2 essay questions with 4 degrees and 18 objective questions assigned with 26 degrees, making it 26 degrees. The total number of questions is 20.

The Minister reviewed the number of essay questions for each subject according to grades, which include questions with an allotment of two degrees, questions with an allotment of 4 degrees, and the number of multiple-choice questions according to grades, which include questions with one degree and others with two degrees.

The minister indicated that with regard to training teachers and students in preparation for the general secondary exams, 300,000 secondary school teachers have been trained to prepare exam questions with the new system, and the construction of question banks has been completed and new cadres have been included. As for training students for the exam, the ministry has put forward a model A training guide in the subjects of the third general secondary grade for all divisions, similar to the specifications of the end-of-year exam, in addition to the directorates reviewing the concept booklets; To ensure the availability of numbers for all students.

With regard to student evaluation, Dr. Reda Hijazi confirmed that the ministry seeks to develop students' knowledge and skills to improve learning outcomes, so emphasis was placed on taking into account the knowledge levels when preparing the specifications of the examination paper, to become 30% for simple mental levels, 40% for medium mental levels, and 30% for higher mental levels. In addition to emphasizing the accuracy of formulating questions according to the rules for formulating correct questions.

As for correction work, the minister indicated that exam correction work is electronic, explaining that with regard to essay questions, they will be corrected by a number of estimators in the light of Rubric performance evaluation measures for each question, with (2) correctors for each question, to ensure the accuracy of the assessment and the use of a third corrector. In the event of a difference in the assessment of the correctors in order to put the final assessment, a percentage of the papers will also be manually checked; To ensure the quality of the electronic correction, with a review of the answer form before starting the electronic correction by a committee of 10 experts, and a simulation of the electronic correction process.

And the minister continued: "A barcode will be placed on the bubble sheet and the answer sheet for the essay questions with the student's data, and at the bottom of the paper to guarantee the student's right, and when grieving, the student will be provided with a copy of the question book as well as a copy of his bubble sheet, and a simulation of electronic correction will be conducted more than once; to ensure the quality of correction system.

The minister noted that the exams for the first semester were held electronically for the first and second secondary grades, as well as the second semester will be conducted electronically.

With regard to anti-fraud measures, Dr. Reda Hegazy affirmed that the Ministry has taken a number of strict measures to combat cheating in exams, as a committee was formed to examine student transfers, especially in the third secondary grade, and stressing that it is not allowed to hold general secondary examination committees in committees in which mass cheating has occurred. or previously rioted, in addition to ensuring that students do not enter the committees with any means to help cheat, and cover the various exam committees across the republic with surveillance cameras to monitor any acts of fraud inside the committees, and use the electronic stick for inspection; To ensure the discipline of conducting exams, and implement Ministerial Resolution No. (34) of 2018 regarding regulating the conditions for exam cancellation and denial, and Law No. (205) of 2020 regarding combating acts of breaching exams.