
During his meeting with journalists specializing in education affairs:

During his meeting with journalists specializing in education affairs:)

Within the framework of a series of meetings that the ministry aims to hold periodically, Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, met today with journalists specializing in education affairs; To discuss a number of decisions and procedures that aim to discipline the educational process with the start of the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023, and to clarify the most important features of the next stage that requires the concerted efforts of all concerned parties related to the education sector.

Dr. Reda Hegazy confirmed the ministry's keenness on these periodic meetings. To raise the state of community awareness of the most important projects that the Ministry is currently undertaking to develop education, and this comes through the pivotal role of the media in promoting institution building and shaping citizen awareness.

During the meeting, Dr. Reda Hijazi Ali stressed that the school is the natural place for teaching and learning, and in the context of striving towards achieving sustainable development goals and attracting students to schools, the Ministry has taken a number of important and organized mechanisms and procedures to discipline the course of the educational process, including the Ministry's organization of the educational management competition exemplary/distinguished, which aims to create a competitive state between educational directorates and departments with the aim of highlighting successful models and designing an integrated model of development within each educational department that includes many development axes in order to become a single model to be followed in all educational and administrative procedures and practices.

He added that there are a number of axes and indicators of excellence targeted for this competition, including raising the efficiency of infrastructure, improving educational effectiveness and the teaching and learning environment, and indicators of discrimination, including vegetative expansion in schools, the use of solar energy, digital transformation, and indicators related to leadership and governance and the institutionalization of administrative work in the administration. .

The minister also indicated that 50% of the system for the day of sports, cultural and artistic activities was implemented in the first semester at the level of all educational levels, and 75% of schools will be operated with the beginning of the second semester, reaching 100%, with the aim of discovering, encouraging and developing talents. Students, in cooperation with the Ministries of Youth, Sports and Culture, work to restore the attractive educational role assigned to the school.

With regard to the result of the exams for the first semester in the transfer classes, the minister touched on the method of calculating the student’s grade, explaining that according to Ministerial Resolution No. (168) of 2022, it is calculated as follows: The total score is out of (100) degrees, of which (80) degrees are allocated. for the written exam at the end of the semester, while the remaining (20) marks are distributed as follows: 10 specialization marks for the highest score for the two tests of the month that the student took, (5) specialization marks for the student’s attendance at school, and (5) specialization marks for assessing behavior The student during the semester, and in this regard, the minister indicated that those who wish to see the scores in the mid-year exams will be allowed inside the schools.

And within the framework of early preparation for the general secondary exams, the minister explained that the ministerial decision was issued to assign the minister a general president for the general secondary school completion certificate exam for this year, and Khaled Abdel Hakam, head of the Central Department for Anti-dropout and Adult Education and supervisor of exam administration - as deputy head of the exam year, and Mohsen Abdel Hakam Al-Aziz - Head of the Central Administration for Educational Technology, supervising the organization of the electronic work of the administration, system and control committees for the general secondary school completion certificate exam, and Dr. .

The minister continued: "A complete guiding form for the exam will be made available to high school students on the ministry's website during the second half of the academic year. The time allotted for the exam, and the clarity and accuracy of the questions.

The minister also explained that the ministerial decision regulating school support groups was issued, which aims to provide support to improve the academic level of students, in return for appropriate material and reduce the burden on parents, noting that there is a set of controls to organize support groups, namely: Support groups are optional in school subjects For students at the level of the educational administration for the two certificates: (preparatory and general secondary, and at the school level for transfer classes, and the numbers of students in support groups are taken into account, in proportion to the space of the designated halls, with the need to take all precautionary measures to preserve public health, and the competent director general of the educational administration determines - In coordination with the Council of Parents and Trustees of the Department, a value for participation in public schools, and public schools "Languages" for all stages.

The minister said, “80% of the revenue from the support groups is allocated to the teacher after deducting the tax. As for the fees for participating in groups, the minimum value is 20 pounds, and the maximum is 80 pounds for local/public certificate classes in public schools, and the minimum is 20 pounds and the maximum is 50 pounds for transfer classes.” As for the state and official distinguished “language” and private schools, and national institutes, the minimum is 30 pounds, the maximum is 100 pounds for local/public certificate classes, the minimum is 30 pounds, and the maximum is 60 pounds for transfer classes, provided that the class time is not less than an hour and a half. Noting that 50% will be reduced for students who are children of education workers, children of martyrs, orphans, and people with total disability for all grades, after submitting documents indicating that.

The minister added that the director general of the educational administration is scheduled to select a number of schools (3-5) in the educational administration, and a committee will be formed under his chairmanship. To follow up on everything related to support groups: choosing the appropriate halls according to size and geographical location; To take into account the appropriate geographical spread in each educational department, advertising and organization, and to supervise that the selection of teachers at the level of the directorate is in line with the wishes of the students, and it is permissible to seek the help of non-workers in the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, to provide support in some subjects, and they are given a temporary opportunity to work in support groups during the academic year And they are evaluated whether they will continue or not by the administration or the educational directorate to which they belong, provided that the percentage of teachers hired from outside the ministry does not exceed 40% of the total number of participating teachers, and this is for local and general certificates only.

The minister also noted that the ministry believes in the necessity of preserving the national identity as one of the important pillars that develop the spirit of loyalty and belonging among students. The ministerial decision was issued to preserve the national identity for students of schools that study curricula of a special nature, instructing educational departments to continue teaching national identity subjects - Especially the Arabic language - for students of schools studying curricula of a special (international) nature on the land of Egypt, and the directors of national identity subjects prepare exams for transfer classes for those schools, starting from the second semester exams for the current academic year 2022/2023, provided that the preparation of subject exams continues National identity for (local) degree students at the directorate level, and (public) at the republic level, as is the practice.

In the same context, the minister said that the decision also includes not carrying out any school activities, or teaching any subjects that conflict with Egyptian culture and national identity, glorifying celebrations of national occasions and Egyptian religious holidays, and not being led astray by celebrating Western holidays, which are not compatible with the customs of society. Egyptian, or Arab, as well as paying attention to saluting the Egyptian flag in all schools.

The minister also announced that for the competition of 30,000 teachers, the ministry will receive today the final result of the competition from the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, indicating that the accepted students will be subjected to military education training for a period of two weeks in Egyptian universities according to the governorates to which they belong, and educational training. Those who pass these trainings will receive work at the beginning of the semester. The second academic.