
The Minister of Education meets the Ambassador of Iraq in Cairo to discuss ways of cooperation in the field of pre-university education

The Minister of Education meets the Ambassador of Iraq in Cairo to discuss ways of cooperation in the field of pre-university education)

Dr. Tariq Shawqi, Minister of Education and Technical Education, received Ambassador Ahmed Nayef Al-Dulaimi, the Iraqi ambassador in Cairo, and his accompanying delegation; To discuss aspects of cooperation between the two countries in the field of education.
This came in the presence of Dr. Reda Hegazy, Deputy Minister for Teachers' Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Mujahid, Deputy Minister for Technical Education, Dr. Ilham Ibrahim, Head of the Services and Activities Sector, and Dr. Hanim Ahmed, Advisor to the Minister for International Cooperation.
Dr. Tariq Shawky stressed Egypt's pride in the historical relations with Iraq, and its keenness to provide full support to the Iraqi people in the field of pre-university education, in support of mutual cooperation relations and the process of joint work.
For his part, the Iraqi ambassador in Cairo expressed his happiness with this meeting, praising the Iraqi-Egyptian relations, as they are historical relations, and the development projects carried out in Egypt during the era of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. He also stressed the Egyptian role in the region and support for Iraq, which contributes to facing common challenges.
The ambassador thanked the Ministry of Education for its support of Iraqi students studying in Egypt, noting that there are about 25,000 Iraqi students studying in all educational levels in Egypt from primary to university, stressing his country's keenness to increase means of cooperation with Egypt and increase the number of students in light of the distinguished relations that It brings together the two brotherly peoples.
The meeting discussed aspects of cooperation between the two countries in the educational field, including providing the necessary facilities for Iraqi students; To study in Egyptian schools, and to overcome all difficulties.
The meeting also touched on the recognition of the secondary certificate issued by the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and its approval for those wishing to enroll in Egyptian schools, the validity of the issuance of the general secondary certificate and technical diplomas issued by Egypt for Iraqi students, and facilitating the procedures for enrolling the children of members of the diplomatic mission in Egyptian schools.
At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to form a delegation from the Egyptian and Iraqi ministries of education to enhance cooperation in the field of teacher training and curriculum preparation.