
"Education" implements the Executive Offices League competition for students of the Republic schools for the three stages

"Education" implements the Executive Offices League competition for students of the Republic schools for the three stages)

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education launched the Executive Offices League competition, which is organized by the General Union of Students of the Republic Schools for the three stages (primary - preparatory - secondary) for the academic year 2021/2022, under the auspices of Dr. Tarek Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education.
Ahmed Musa, the general leader of the Union of School Students, confirmed that the General Union of School Students of the Republic organized the top liquidation of the Executive Offices League competition at the level of the Republic for the three stages (primary - preparatory - secondary), explaining that the competition aims to stimulate the spirit of positive competition among students, and to provide students with office members. The executive branch is a culture of volunteerism and teamwork, in addition to rooting the values ​​of citizenship, loyalty and belonging to the homeland and investing the energies of students in implementing the programs and activities of student unions to contribute to achieving the requirements of the new republic, as well as enabling students to employ technology in implementing programs, projects and community initiatives.
He explained that the conditions of the competition are to meet the real needs of students, the school or the community, and that it stems from the selection of students after they have acquired the skills of studying needs and priorities and analyzing the problem, provided that there is a role for local community institutions in cooperating with the school community.
Moussa pointed out that the winners of the competition at the level of the Republic for the primary stage won the first place, the Martyr Mustafa Abu Eida School (1), in the East Tanta administration in the Gharbia district, and in the second place, the Hassan Abu Bakr Experimental Language School, in the Qanater Department of the Qalyubia Directorate, won the third place, and also won the third place. Saad Zaghloul Primary School in Ras Sidr, South Sinai, and Isnad Elementary School, run by Shubrakhit, Beheira, and Quos Sugar Factory, run by Qos, Qena, ranked fifth.
Moussa said: The preparatory stage won the first place in the Zarqa Preparatory School for Girls, in the Department of Zarqa in the Damietta District, and in the second place was the Al-Intilaq Preparatory School for Girls, in the Department of Al-Amriya in the Alexandria District, and Al-Habil Preparatory School in the Bayadiya Department in the Luxor District won third place, while the Martyr Samir Muhammad Ismail School won the third place. In the Kharga Department of the New Valley Directorate, it ranked fourth, and the Suez Modern Preparatory School for Girls, in the South Department of the Suez District, won the fifth place.
Moussa also continued that the winners in the secondary stage won the first place at the Martyr Muhammad Sabri Ahmed Attia Secondary School in the administration of Quesna in the Menoufia district, while the second place was won by Saleh Awadallah Technical Industrial Secondary School in the administration of Ras Ghareb in the Red Sea District, and the third place was won by the Martyr General Refaat School. Ashour Secondary School, run by Mit Salsil in Dakahlia District, Nabawiya Musa Experimental Secondary School for Girls, in the Central Administration in Alexandria Directorate, won fourth place, and Mot Secondary School for Girls in the Dakhla Administration in the New Valley Directorate won the fifth place.