
The Minister of Education and the Governor of Port Said witness the closing ceremony of championships and competitions

The Minister of Education and the Governor of Port Said witness the closing ceremony of championships and competitions)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, and Major General Adel Al-Ghadban, Governor of Port Said, witnessed the closing ceremony of the Republic Championship for the activities of students in intellectual education and integration schools across the Republic, which is organized by the General Administration of Special Education under the supervision of the Central Administration of Public Education, at the Port Said International Integrated Language School.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Reda Hegazy expressed his happiness at participating in this celebration, which expresses the activities of all students with special abilities at the republic level.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, said: “God Almighty has rewarded humans with great abilities to overcome the deficiency in the divine aspects of their senses,” directing greetings and thanks to our students who proved today that the Ministry is not only for teaching, testing, and obtaining certificates without real learning, but rather Education and school activities also have an important role in developing students’ life skills, consolidating values and respect for others, and discovering talents, talents, and abilities, which appeared clearly in the students’ presentations.

The Minister pointed out the interest of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic and the Egyptian State, in our students with abilities, who number 46 thousand children and 994 people of determination, and 159 thousand and 825 children in integration schools, noting that the Ministry has 25,570 schools with integrated students, in addition to the presence 9,218 teachers specializing in these fields, noting that the field of teaching students with special needs is more difficult than the field of regular teaching, because it requires teachers to have very high skills, so the Ministry is keen on the sustainable development of teachers in these schools.

The Minister added that students with special abilities have great abilities, noting that the decisions of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, to sponsor and invest in the abilities of people of determination represent a strong and direct motivation to support them, stressing the Ministry’s keenness to make all efforts to support the true empowerment of people with disabilities in various fields. The fields and the accompanying deepening of the concepts of love and tolerance among all members of society and acceptance of others and differences.

The Minister said that education is the driving force of society from a state of stasis and slow growth to rapid and comprehensive movement on the path of progress and development, and it is the path that directs society and the individual to live the twenty-first century, which is characterized by rapid and comprehensive information, scientific and technological progress, and that we are working to make the integration component a major part of it. The current technological movement is in addition to supporting the software learning mechanism for people of determination by supporting special education schools with technological devices that enable them to do so.

The Minister explained that education is a national security issue and the first line of defense for the homeland, noting that if sporting activity represents an importance and need for students without disabilities, then the need for it increases greatly for those with disabilities, as it provides compensation for the sensory and motor aspects and occupational therapy to remove the obstacle to adapting to society through Integration is one of the most important means of integration and even one of the fastest, as activities instill in them the spirit of teamwork and train them in the art of leadership, consultation and mutual understanding. It also supports their personalities with the challenges and problems they encounter, in addition to practicing activities that help them develop their experiences and knowledge and accustom them to respect. General systems and laws, in addition to developing hobbies, discovering their talents and abilities, and many benefits that would be too long to list.
At the end of his speech, the Minister of Education thanked all those who organized this celebration, and for the efforts made for all our children with special needs.

In his speech, Major General Adel Al-Ghadban, Governor of Port Said, welcomed Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education, and the attendees, pointing out that the role of the Ministry of Education is not limited only to education, but rather to developing talents, supporting students, and developing their skills, praising what he saw today of the creativity of our children with special abilities. Integration, among kindergarten students, and the role of educational activities that provide cultural messages to develop students’ skills educationally and culturally.

The Governor of Port Said also thanked every teacher, male and female, and school principal, saying: “This is the result of your efforts, and you are the reasons for success and progress to produce future generations capable of working and proud of Egypt and belonging to the Egyptian identity, stressing that this confirms to us that the people of Egypt are fine and capable of making achievements.” .

The program for the closing ceremony of the championships and competitions for students of special education and integration schools included segments that included an artistic performance (ballet) for students of the International School in Port Said, in addition to an operetta for kindergarten students, and a religious chant (for a blind student).

The Minister and the Governor of Port Said distributed cups and medals to the students who won the competitions.