
"Education" opens the exhibition of the productive school to display student products at Saidia Secondary School for Boys

"Education" opens the exhibition of the productive school to display student products at Saidia Secondary School for Boys)

Today, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education inaugurated an exhibition of products for school students, under the auspices of Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, which was set up by the General Administration of the Productive School at Saidia Secondary School for Boys in Giza Governorate, and it will last for a week.

This came in the presence of Dr. Randa Shaheen, head of the central administration for public education, Mr. Ashraf Salloma, director of the Education Directorate in Giza, Mr. Emad El-Din Mohamed Mansour, supervisor of the central administration for the treatment of educational dropout, and director general of the productive school, and Counselor Badawy Allam, head of the Board of Trustees, parents and teachers.

Dr. Randa Shaheen, Head of the Central Department of Public Education, praised the military parade presented by the school’s students on the sidelines of the exhibition. She also praised the displayed products, stressing that the productive school aims to develop the spirit of innovation and creativity among students, starting from the early childhood stage, and deepening the spirit of community participation among parents. To participate with their children in achieving a real Egyptian product that contributes to supporting the national economy by transferring their expertise to the productive school, creating new generations capable of integrating into the community surrounding the school and other internal environments, developing the student’s skills and preparing him for global competitiveness.

For his part, Professor Imad El-Din Mohamed Mansour, the supervisor of the central administration for the treatment of educational dropout and the director general of the productive school, explained that the student participating in the projects of the productive unit is trained on how to deal with the merchant and the consumer through the production and marketing of products with a small profit margin, and earning the student respect for productive work. And achieve more student attachment to his school, and increase his affiliation with it.

He pointed out that the exhibition included the participation of (9) educational directorates with the products of school projects produced in them, which are the governorates: (North Sinai, Cairo, Giza, Beheira, Damietta, Alexandria, Dakahlia, Menoufia, and New Valley), stressing that the exhibition includes a display of food products. Textile products, artifacts, art paintings, woodwork, and school products for people with special abilities.