
The Minister of Education meets with representatives of the private sector and the industrial partner of the Schools of Applied Technology

The Minister of Education meets with representatives of the private sector and the industrial partner of the Schools of Applied Technology)

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, met with a number of representatives of the private sector and the industrial partner of the Schools of Applied Technology; To discuss proposals and ideas for technical education students and the practical message of mental change not only to society but to the world about technical education.

At the beginning of the meeting, Minister of Education and Technical Education, Dr. Reda Hegazy, welcomed the attendees, stressing the ministry’s interest in developing education, especially technical education, improving the mental image of education, and the cooperation of participants in developing technical education, pointing out that this development is linked to the needs of the labor market, especially with the creation and exit of some professions. to the job market.

The Minister said: The development of technical education is an investment in human capital to ensure a prosperous future for economic development plans, explaining that the Ministry seeks to launch more schools of applied technology in various economic and service fields, with new specializations that address future professions, in order to provide the opportunity For a greater number of students to enroll in these schools, which represent the schools of advanced technical education.

In his speech, Dr. Mohamed Emara, Head of the Central Administration for Technical Education Schools, referred to the competency curriculum, which has been carried out since 2019 with the participation of representatives of the labor market, stressing that any program is produced according to the needs of the labor market through several stages, and some study programs that had a special problem system The five years were converted into three years, with study programs running three academic years and two years after the diploma with technology programs; To qualify the student to enter colleges of technology.

For his part, Representative Muhammad Abu al-Anin, Undersecretary of the House of Representatives, thanked Dr. Reda Hegazy for his invitation to discuss the development of technical education in accordance with the strategy of a state in which the psychological dimension is taken into account and the improvement of the mental image of technical education, and recommended good preparation for schools in line with the requirements of the local and global labor market, Arab, African and European .

Abul-Enein stressed the importance of having skilled, trained labor capable of competing globally, and the presence of specialization in industry and production, and the establishment of industrial cities that combine schools near the factory and specialization to save time and production. Schools and training centers in line with Egypt's Vision 2030.

Abul-Enein also added the necessity of making initiatives with the participation of the community for proposals for technical education, for example: (10 initiatives, competitions for the best study or idea that benefit technical education, and prizes are offered for the best ideas).

For his part, Engineer Hisham Mohamed Abdel Salam, head of the HST Group of Security Systems and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the HST School of Applied Technology, added some suggestions for the development of schools of applied technology, as he recommended to take advantage of the school's capabilities of laboratories and equipment and provide them for university study in the same school, and that enrollment in schools be Technical applied technology with annual expenses determined according to the capabilities, technical equipment, school infrastructure and educational activities, with the possibility of activating soft loans for students to be paid in installments upon graduation, and examining the possibility of establishing productive industrial units to produce some technical devices, equipment and small industries inside the school and obtaining an industrial license with the school license for these production units Exploitation of the school fence, and the creation of a series of small shops and outlets selling products that are established in the fence area that generate monthly income for the school, which are used to improve the educational process and provide services to students and the community. Importing laboratories and equipment To facilitate the work of student projects, scientific experiments, and educational activities at the school.

Engineer Salem Al-Sayed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Arabi School for Applied Technology, stressed the importance of building partnerships to expand the schools of applied technology, and the good preparation of these schools. I have to meet those needs and provide them with the required specializations within the schools.

Engineer Mohamed Galal, the industrial partner of the Talaat Mustafa group of companies, stressed that we seek to provide a highly qualified technician with technical skills, and thus achieve self-sufficiency inside the factory that qualifies it for the labor market, and we work together through this system to change the societal view of technical education, and accept graduates of this Schools are at a higher social degree, in addition to preparing efficient workers and the state’s export of labor abroad, and encouraging and developing the local industry, which contributes to reducing dependence on imports, noting that this will only be achieved by creating codes for each profession, and a license is issued based on these codes. To practice the profession, and every technician has a license that contains a set of elements, including technical elements and psychological and criminal experience, and dealing in the labor market is done through these controls.

Engineer Mohamed Zaki Al-Suwaidi, the industrial partner of the Al-Suwaidi Foundation for Development, said that we are working to change the society's view of technical education, and the state is working to export trained labor in various industries.

He stressed the necessity of having a license to practice the profession for every technician, which includes various psychological, technical and administrative elements and various experiences in order to be recognized by independent bodies that have their status in the community, referring to the training programs to obtain that license so that our educational institution turns into institutes for training technicians and issuing these licenses .

Wael Al-Wardani, the official of B-Tech for Trade and Distribution, said, "The educational process for technical education students must be supported by preparing schools, good modern workshops, trained teachers, grants for outstanding students to support them and gain skills and experience, and the other path is with higher education and the increase in the number of specialized colleges for technical education graduates." .

For her part, Abeer Essam, the official of Ammar Real Estate Development Company, expressed her happiness in cooperating with the Ministry of Education in the presence of a real estate school, and we strive to develop and change the mental image of the community and even globally.

And Abeer Essam suggested studying an additional year for graduates of technical education schools to join the university, not just technological universities.

For his part, Eng. George Sedky, official of the Ghabbour Foundation for Development, stressed that we are seeking today to have a complete integrated strategy in technological engineering, and to have an industrial partner in the field of engineering, and aware of the goals to be achieved for these schools, noting that when we have the best product internally and externally, it increases The demand for establishing technology schools, and thus there is an increase in demand and expansion in these schools, leads to the weight of Egyptian labor and the export of labor abroad works to provide many advantages.

Dr. Khaled Abdel Azim, Executive Director of the Federation of Industries, said: “One of the elements of the success of the applied technology schools is the support and optimism provided by the Ministry of Education, in addition to the competency system required for the labor market and the needs of the industrial partner,” pointing to the importance of having good management of these schools, which is considered one of the secrets Its success, the importance of having schools near factories, and changing the mental image of technical education graduates.

This came in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Abu El-Enein, Undersecretary of the House of Representatives, Dr. Sherine Hamdi, Advisor to the Minister for Administrative Development and Supervisor of the Central Administration for the Affairs of the Minister’s Office, Dr. Hanim Ahmed, Advisor to the Minister for International Relations, and Dr. Amr Basileh, Head of the Central Administration for the Development of Technical Education, and Director of the Technology Schools Operation and Management Unit Among the representatives of the private sector and the industrial partner of the applied technology schools are Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, Eng. Salem El-Sayed, on behalf of El-Araby Group of Companies and Factories, Eng. Mohamed Jalal on behalf of Talaat Mustafa Group of Companies, and Mr. Muhammad Zaki El-Suwaidi on behalf of El-Sewedy Foundation For Development, Dr. Khaled Abdel Azim, Executive Director of the Federation of Industries, Ms. Abeer Essam from Ammar Real Estate Development Company, Mr. Wael Al-Wardani from B-Tech Trading and Distribution Company, Eng. Sedky on behalf of Ghabbour Group for Development, and Eng. Atef Talaat on behalf of MCV Company.