
The operating room report on the second day of the first round exams

The operating room report on the second day of the first round exams)

This morning, the exams for the first round of the certificate of completion of the general secondary certificate for the current academic year 2022/2023 started, where the general secondary students, in both its literary and scientific divisions, performed the exam in the subjects of economics and statistics, with a total number of (688,645) thousand students in front of (2097) examination committees at the level of the Republic While (255) male/female students from schools for the blind performed the subject of national education.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education and Head of the General Secondary Examinations, was keen to follow up the general secondary exams, the first round, through the central operations room in the ministry, as he was assured of the progress of the examination process in all governorates.

Khaled Abdel Hakam, Head of the Central Administration for Combating Educational Dropout and Vice President of the General Secondary Examinations, was keen, before the start of the exam, to communicate with all the directors of the educational directorates present in the local operations rooms, and also reassured the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Interior; To secure the headquarters of traffic committees in all governorates.

During the second day, the exam atmosphere went well and in a disciplined manner, without any problems that would disturb the exam process.

The members of the electronic fraud control team in the central operations room were able to monitor two cases of electronic fraud, as two students were caught in a committee in Menoufia, when they published one of the parts of the economics exam questions through social networking sites using a mobile phone. Ministerial Resolution No. (34) of 2018 regulating the conditions for exam cancellation and denial thereof, and Law No. (205) of 2020 regarding combating acts of breaching exams.

With regard to the statistics exam, one case of electronic cheating was detected by a student in Qena while using a mobile phone to publish one of the exam questions on social media. ) for the year 2018 regarding regulating the conditions for exam cancellation and deprivation from it, and Law No. (205) for the year 2020 regarding combating acts of breaching exams.

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education renews its emphasis on students not using any of the various means of cheating, emphasizing that any attempts to cheat are addressed, and that legal measures are taken regarding any violations that occur in exams.

It is worth noting that high school students, in its literary and scientific divisions, the first round, take the exam in the Arabic language on Sunday, June 18, 2023, while students of the Schools of Excellence for Science and Technology take the exam in the two subjects of the readiness test for university admission (Arabic language), and concepts scales, while students from schools of excellence take the exam. Blind people exam for national education on Saturday, June 17, 2023.