Secondary second graders attend to take the "Second Foreign Language" and "Psychology and Sociology" tests on the third day online
Today, 583,477 male / female students in the second grade of secondary school have succeeded in taking the second foreign language exam on the website of the electronic exam platform through tablets in the three days of the first semester exams for the academic year 2020/2021, which will continue until March 11, 2021.
The performance rate of the second foreign language exam was 99.69%, out of the total attendance of 585,248 male / female students nationwide.
While 208 thousand and 765 male / female students in the Literary Division passed the examination of Psychology and Sociology at a rate of 99.67%, out of the total attendance of 209,452 male / female students nationwide.
26537 male and female students in the second grade of secondary school (homes - integration) took the exam on paper out of a total of 27,938 male and female students, with an attendance rate of 95%.
It is worth noting that on Saturday, March 6, 2021, students of the first year of secondary school will take the exam in the subjects of "Philosophy and Logic" and "Physics" in two periods.