
"Education" announces the details of organizing national identity examinations for students of international schools and STEM schools

"Education" announces the details of organizing national identity examinations for students of international schools and STEM schools)

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education announced the regulations for organizing national identity examinations (Arabic language and social studies) for students of international schools and schools of science and technology (STEM)

Which includes the following:

For the first semester exams for the transfer classes for the basic education stage:

- International schools, under the supervision of the educational administration, hold a combined examination for the subjects (Arabic language and social studies) from the fourth grade to the second intermediate level, provided that the Arabic language examination for the elementary stage consists of (10) questions and the maximum score (100) marks, and the social studies exam consists From (4) questions and the maximum score (40) marks.

As for middle school transfer students, the number of questions for the Arabic language subject consists of (10) questions, the maximum score for the article (80) degrees, and the number of questions for the social studies course (5) questions and the maximum score (40) degrees.

And for students of the third year of middle school in international schools:

- International schools, under the supervision of the educational administration, hold a combined examination (multidisciplinary) in the subjects of Arabic language and social studies, and it is held with the same controls and timing of the first semester exam for students of the third year of middle school, provided that the time allocated for the exam is (90) minutes, as for the rest of the identity materials Nationalism (Religious and National Education) is held at the end of the second semester with the rest of the students.

Provided that the number of Arabic language questions is (17) questions, the maximum degree is (80) degrees, social studies are (8) questions, and the maximum degree is (40) degrees.

For students of secondary school transportation classes, national identity material examinations are held for students of the first and second grades according to the specifications of the examination paper for students who are scheduled to take paper exams, except for (religious and national education).

For the second semester exams:

For the transfer classes for the basic and secondary education stage, combined paper examinations are held at the end of each month, starting from March until May, in place of the second semester exams.

- As for students of science and technology schools (STEM), it was decided that their examinations would remain similar to what followed in previous years, due to the special nature of these schools.

- The student’s result at the end of the year is calculated based on the score obtained in the first semester exam and the average score obtained in the examinations held in March, April and May, and the educational administration with the school sets the date for the first semester examinations according to the conditions of each school and informs students of those dates Well before the exam date.

- Examinations for the rest of the national identity subjects (religious education and national education) are held for all transfer classes in the two stages (basic and secondary education) for international school students at the end of the second semester, similar to that of public school students.