
The Ministry of Education announces the winners of the “National Competition for the Ideal Pioneer (Teacher)”

The Ministry of Education announces the winners of the “National Competition for the Ideal Pioneer (Teacher)”)

Under the patronage of Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, the Ministry of Education announced the winners of the “National Competition for the Ideal Pioneer (Teacher),” which was implemented by the General Union of Republic School Students for the three stages (primary, middle, secondary) for the academic year 2023/2024.

Ahmed Musa Ramadan, the general leader of the Republic Schools Students Union, explained that this competition is a tribute to the creative teacher who contributes to preparing future generations, and in honor of the teacher and recognition of his efforts, as he represents the pioneer, leader, mentor, and actual supporter of students in achieving academic excellence, and is worthy of instilling the concepts of leadership in them. It contributes to their development as successful citizens in society.

Ahmed Moussa pointed out that this competition came in light of the central theme of the student unions’ plan for this year, “Student Unions and Artificial Intelligence,” adding that the program aims to develop the teacher’s leadership and innovative skills, and provide the opportunity for creativity through fair competition between exemplary pioneers and the exchange of experiences, as well as developing The skills of the classroom leader in dealing with student leaders and students with special abilities, and motivating and supporting classroom leaders in order to confirm the consolidation of values and consolidate positive attitudes among students.

The winners were selected based on the criteria of excellence in leadership, innovation, and positive impact on students and the school in general. The result of the Ideal Pioneer Competition for the Primary Stage resulted in Abeer Muhammad Abd al-Mu’tal Muhammad winning first place from the Minya District, Abu Qurqas Administration, and Amal Awad al-Sayyid won second place. From the Damietta Directorate, Faraskur Administration, the third place went to Hanan Hassan Abdel Qader Ahmed from the Alexandria Directorate, Customs Administration, Akram Muhammad Muhammad Akl won fourth place from the Kafr El-Sheikh Directorate, Desouk Administration, and Muhammad Abdullah Jamil Ibrahim from the Cairo Directorate, Maadi Administration, won fifth place. .

As for the preparatory stage, first place was won by Walaa Alaa Mahmoud Khalifa in the Alexandria District, Sharq Administration, second place went to Mahmoud Sayed Hussein Mahmoud in the Giza District, Agouza Administration, and third place went to Nasser Abdullah Sayyed Tammam in the Beni Suef District, Nasser Administration, and Ibtisam Azouz won. He maintained fourth place in the Fayoum District, West Administration, and Suzanne Mujahid Ibrahim, in the Sharkia Directorate, Abu Kabir Administration, won fifth place.

As for the secondary stage, first place was won by Khaled Ahmed Muhammad Ali in Qena District, Naga Hammadi Administration, second place was won by Salem Hassan Eid Ibrahim in Suez District, North Administration, Fatima Al-Zahraa Muhammad Hanafi in the Red Sea District, Qusayr Administration, won third place, and Azza Muhammad Al-Musalhi Ahmed won third place. In the Cairo District, Al-Zawya Al-Hamra Administration, it won fourth place, and fifth place was won by Yasmine Sobhi Ali Hanafi in the Minya District, Maghagha Administration.