
"Education" participates in the activities of the THAMM Egypt Conference for Vocational Training and Rehabilitation in the field of labor migration to Germany

"Education" participates in the activities of the THAMM Egypt Conference for Vocational Training and Rehabilitation in the field of labor migration to Germany)

Today, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education participated in the THAMM Egypt conference for training and vocational rehabilitation within the framework of the Egyptian government's implementation of the regional program "For a Comprehensive Approach to the Governance of Labor Migration and Labor Mobility in North Africa" THAMM, which is organized by the Ministry of State for Migration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs In partnership with the German government, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GiZ) in Egypt, the European Union, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the THAMM project.
In his speech, Dr. Mohamed Megahed, Deputy Minister of Education for Technical Education, expressed his happiness at participating in this important conference, which aims to present a set of recommendations, proposals and measures for capacity development that ultimately enhance the mechanism for the transfer of skilled labor between Egypt and Germany within the framework of the “For an Approach” program. Comprehensive Governance of Labor Migration and Labor Mobility in North Africa” (THAMM).
The Deputy Minister for Technical Education explained that since 2018, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education has prepared a comprehensive strategy for TE 2.0; To develop technical education, improve its outputs, and produce graduates who meet the needs of the local labor market, who are also able to compete in the international labor market.
Dr. Muhammad Mujahid reviewed the five main pillars of the national strategy for the reform and development of technical education TE 2.0, which are: improving the quality of technical education, adopting curricula based on the methodology of competencies, expanding digital transformation with the aim of facilitating the transition of graduates to work, and developing teachers’ skills by providing practical training based on developing Learning methods, as well as partnership with the private sector through the expansion of the dual system, schools of applied technology and sectoral centers of excellence, and changing the stereotype about technical education.
The Deputy Minister for Technical Education referred to cooperation and coordination with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GiZ), the German Construction Bank (KfW), the European Union (EU) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). To implement many aspects of the technical education development strategy, noting that a recent review of the strategy was conducted; To highlight new priorities in accordance with the requirements of economic development in Egypt.
Dr. Mujahid confirmed that the Ministry of Education and Technical Education carefully studied how to prepare graduates for international migration in a legal manner, especially since Egypt is a young country, and its economy will not absorb all young graduates, and at the same time some European countries have an urgent need for qualified workers, so the ministry partnered with The Ministry of Immigration and Egyptian Affairs Abroad is conducting a detailed study on the international labor market, funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the results of which will be officially announced in February 2023 at the EDUTECH Forum, which provides an in-depth analysis of the needs and qualifications of workers in Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Canada. , and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Mujahid continued: The preliminary results of the study indicated the main sectors in which Egypt enjoys a competitive advantage in light of the great need in these countries for engineering manufacturing, construction, hospitality, information and communication technology, and the health care sector.
In conclusion, the Deputy Minister for Technical Education recommended the establishment of strong links with business associations, in countries such as Germany, Italy and others; for long-term partnerships; To provide the required manpower, in addition to focusing on the required technical competencies.
Dr. Amr Bosila, Head of the Central Administration for the Development of Technical Education, and Director of the Applied Technology Schools Operation and Management Unit, spoke about the Ministry's keenness to meet the wishes of the countries that cooperate with it, and to export trained technical workers without prejudice to the Egyptian labor market. The Ministry is also looking into preparing Egyptian technical education graduates; To comply with international standards through partnership with the private sector, international accreditation of graduates, accreditation of training programs, as well as the establishment of a public authority for the quality of technical education (Itqan), appreciating cooperation with the German side in developing dual education programs and training programs in technical education schools, in addition To interest in language programs in English, Italian, German and Chinese.
Dr. Ahmed El-Ashmawy, a member of the Advisory Council for the Development of Technical Education, pointed out the importance of having a mechanism to provide and verify a database for technical education graduates, and to benefit from it in the implementation of the THAMM program, and for the Ministry to define training programs according to the needs of the labor market in partnership with the private sector and to establish sectoral skills centers that set standards. The required professionalism in a specific field, as well as the importance of strategic partnerships to qualify and train students.
For her part, Ms. Graziella Risa, Head of the Department of Migration, Governance, Gender, Human Rights and Civil Society in the European Union delegation to Egypt, stressed the importance of having a consistent approach to meet the needs of trained and qualified labor, which is provided by the THAMM program, as well as interest in vocational training; To determine the skills required for the labor market and to take into account the strategic steps of the government's direction.
Dr. Andreas Adrian, coordinator of the technical education sector and labor market development at the German Agency for International Cooperation in Egypt, said: We are empowered to provide a safe environment for labor migration, and we support education and curricula reform in the new system of technical education 2.0, referring to cooperation with stakeholders in Egypt to prepare trained skilled workers and prepare The appropriate environment for them in the host country in cooperation with the concerned authorities.
The conference activities included a number of dialogue sessions. The first session discussed matching the sectors and professions required with the offer for labor transfer between Egypt and Germany. The second dialogue session dealt with defining the criteria for selecting candidates and opening the door for applying for labor migration. As for the third dialogue session, it discussed preparation before departure and developing skills from For immigration, the fourth dialogue session discussed the recognition of professional qualifications and the challenges and related procedures.
The conference concluded with formulating a number of plans and measures necessary to jointly enhance capabilities related to labor migration and transfer from Egypt to Germany.