
The Minister of Education and the Commander of the Popular and Military Defense Forces attend the eleventh educational symposium

The Minister of Education and the Commander of the Popular and Military Defense Forces attend the eleventh educational symposium)

Within the framework of close cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Technical Education and the Armed Forces to educate students and pay attention to loyalty, belonging and the Egyptian identity, Dr.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Reda Hegazy extended his sincere greetings and appreciation to the families of the martyrs, saying: "If it were not for you, we would not be here now," directing sincere greetings and appreciation to the families of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the stability and safety of the homeland.

The minister added that Egypt has 25 million students, and in order to develop loyalty and belonging, the Armed Forces participated with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education in these educational seminars, which will achieve a high return for the benefit of all, stressing the importance of sustaining these educational and educational seminars.

The minister indicated that when visiting a technical school recently, he sensed commitment, discipline, loyalty and belonging among its students, explaining that the number of schools that apply the military establishment is 497 schools, and we hope to expand their numbers in this context because the current generation needs these values to acquire the value of a sense of responsibility.

The minister emphasized that loyalty and belonging are one of the strategic goals of the ministry and Egypt’s Vision 2030, which targets a student who is proud of himself, proud of his country, accepts pluralism and is able to compete. Filling, and for the student to enjoy his learning and enjoy his life as well, so that students' minds are not stacked with detailed information that exhausts them.

Dr. Reda Hijazi also revealed that the general framework for the secondary stage will start after the completion of the general framework for the preparatory stage.

The minister added that after completing the preparatory stage, the move will be made to develop the general framework for the secondary school curricula according to the range and sequence matrix. To reduce the burden on the shoulders of students and the Egyptian family.

The minister stressed that the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Defense have an authentic and extended partnership, for example, but not limited to, the partnership with the Military Technical College in discovering talented people in science and mathematics at the level of the Republic, and software as the next development, in addition to the important role of the Military Academy in completing the exams for applicants to the 30 thousand teachers competition, which comes within the framework of the presidential initiative to appoint 150 thousand teachers over a period of 5 years.

The minister continued that, based on the world's trend towards artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and e-learning, the ministry has set strong criteria for selecting teachers who are able to bring about change and development, thanking the Military Academy of the Armed Forces for its participation in the Ministry of Education for selecting those teachers who are able to develop loyalty and belonging, and bring about the desired change in teaching and learning in light of the digital transformation.

The minister indicated that the role of the teacher has changed and he did not become a prompter of information, but rather he is the director and organizer of the teaching and learning process, and bringing students to the maximum level of performance.

Dr. Reda Hegazy said: “I know very well that we must keep in mind that we must shift from the minimum in performance to the maximum, and from memorization and indoctrination to innovation and creativity, and from dependence on others to self-reliance, and from the only opportunity in evaluation to multiple opportunities to obtain maximum performance.”

The minister indicated that a training package has also been prepared to train principals and teachers on developing loyalty and belonging, and awareness of the Egyptian state's national projects.

At the conclusion of his speech, the Minister, on behalf of all the workers in the Ministry of Education, thanked and appreciated the men of the Armed Forces for their efforts and sacrifices in order for the nation’s flag to remain high and fluttering. His saints, and history has not forgotten the honorable role of these heroes who sacrificed their blood for the homeland.

Dr. Reda Hegazy continued: “We do not forget to pay tribute to the souls of the righteous martyrs, without whom we would not be here now, and who sacrificed their lives and blood for the great people of Egypt, pointing out that protecting Egypt and defending its national security is a sacred duty and a lofty mission that is not underestimated,” stressing that the Ministry of Education never forgets the families of the martyrs, and works to provide some of all services to them in the field of education.

For his part, Major General Walid Hamed Al Hamaki, Commander of the People's and Military Defense Forces, saluted the audience during his speech, conveying the greetings of Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, and Lieutenant General Osama Askar, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

The Commander of the People's and Military Defense Forces expressed his happiness at his presence today in the esteemed Ministry of Education and Technical Education, through which he conveyed his thanks and appreciation for the comprehensive and continuous development achieved in the education system in our beloved Egypt, to keep pace with the continuous and purposeful development in education, and in a way that positively affects the benefit of our students in the various stages of education to keep pace with thought and innovation.

The commander of the Popular and Military Defense Forces added that directing the political leadership to the need to develop a spirit of loyalty and belonging to our students is the hope, present, future and beating heart of Egypt, so the state aspires to have a generation armed with science, values and knowledge, works, excels, thinks and innovates, a generation that teaches competitiveness and leadership and innovates for itself and its country is proud of it, so the state believes that education is the main pillar for achieving the aspirations of the state and its future hopes.

Major General Walid Hamed Al-Hamaki indicated that a cooperation protocol has been signed between the Ministry of Education and Technical Education and the Armed Forces represented by the leadership of the Popular and Military Defense Forces to transform technical schools into military training schools to contribute to preparing a generation capable of facing the challenges of the modern era, and raising the level of youth to levels that are in line with the requirements of the times and international, regional and local changes to achieve the comprehensive and sustainable development of our beloved Egypt towards building the new republic and achieving Egypt's Vision 2030, adding that this will be through organizing visits to military units and development projects. Organizing educational seminars, attending exhibitions, and qualifying outstanding students to hold courses at the Institute of Information Systems in the Armed Forces, in addition to presenting film and cartoon materials on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education to shed light on the state's efforts to build the new republic.

Major General Walid Hamed Al-Hamaki also stressed that education is the way and the goal that we always seek to support our march towards development and development, and to enhance the capabilities and energies of our students to positively work towards progress and prosperity.

Major General Walid Hamid Al-Hamaki explained that within the framework of the state's interest and its political leadership in the new generations, the armed forces spare no effort to provide support to their students, directing a salutation of appreciation and respect to the souls of the righteous martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the homeland.

At the end of his speech, Major General Walid Hamed Al-Hamaki expressed his thanks and appreciation to Dr. Reda Hegazy, Minister of Education and Technical Education, and those in charge of the educational committee for the effort exerted to appear in an honorable appearance, as well as our students’ parents, wishing them success under the wise leadership of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Republic.

His Eminence Sheikh Habib Ali Al-Jifry gave a lecture on “Belonging and Loyalty in the Homeland.” Dr. Ghada Amer, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Misr University for Science and Technology, delivered a lecture on cybersecurity and its role in loyalty and belonging to the homeland, and the role of technology and artificial intelligence in sustainable development and its impact on Egyptian national security.

The symposium also included paragraphs of recitation and poetry presented by the students, and the student activities team at the Ministry of Education and Technical Education presented a theatrical show entitled "The New Republic" and "For You, Egypt".

This came in the presence of Major General Walid Hamed Al-Hamaki, Commander of the People's and Military Defense Forces, Major General Muhammad Qudira, Commander of the Communication Group at the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, His Eminence Sheikh Habib Ali Al-Jafri,