Total Count: 55

Mrs. Ola Mustafa Rajab Moussa is transferred. To the position of a senior specialist, starting from the day following the expiration date of her term as Director General of French Language Development

The appointment of Mr. Dr. / Wafa Abdel Salam Mohamed - Director General of Musical Education Development for a period of one year

Renews Mrs. Dr. / Amani Qarni Ibrahim Hassan - Mir General of Educational Computer Development

Renewed the appointment of Mr. Hussein Mahmoud Hussein - General Director of Mathematics Development

Find the appointment of Mr. Mahmoud Fouad Muhammad Abu Al-Enein - Director General of Religious Education Development

Renewed the appointment of Mrs. Dr. Rabab Abdel Mohsen Imam Nasr - Director General of Art Education Development

Find the appointment of Mrs.: Dr. Fatima Muhammad Reda Abdel Aziz - General Director of Psychology Development

Renewed the appointment of Mrs. Iman Mahmoud Youssef Mahmoud d - Director General of English Language Development

Renewed the appointment of Mrs. Naima Ali Abdel Aziz Habib - Director General of German Language Development