654 thousand and 261 male - female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the exam of the subjects "history" and "chemistry" online


654 thousand and 261 male - female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the exam of the subjects "history" and "chemistry" online

Today, students of the first year of secondary school completed the first semester exams for the ac…

586 thousand and 837 male / female students in the second grade of secondary school attend the exam of the subjects "Physics" and "History" online


586 thousand and 837 male / female students in the second grade of secondary school attend the exam of the subjects "Physics" and "History" online

586 thousand and 837 male / female students in the second grade of secondary school, out of a total…

98.39% is the attendance rate of the third year of middle school students in the first semester exam


98.39% is the attendance rate of the third year of middle school students in the first semester exam

One million and 613 thousand and 613 male / female students in the third year of middle school,

654 thousand and 139 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the exam of the subjects "Philosophy and Logic" and "Physics" online


654 thousand and 139 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the exam of the subjects "Philosophy and Logic" and "Physics" online

654,139 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school, out of a total of 656,834 ma…

97.6% The percentage of students attending the second year of middle school in the first semester exam


97.6% The percentage of students attending the second year of middle school in the first semester exam

One million and 918 thousand and 648 male / female students in the second year of middle school, to…

Secondary second graders attend to take the "Second Foreign Language" and "Psychology and Sociology" tests on the third day online


Secondary second graders attend to take the "Second Foreign Language" and "Psychology and Sociology" tests on the third day online

Today, 583,477 male / female students in the second grade of secondary school have succeeded in tak…

654 thousand and 207 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the examination of the subjects "Mathematics" and "Second Foreign Language" online


654 thousand and 207 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school attend the examination of the subjects "Mathematics" and "Second Foreign Language" online

654,207 male / female students in the first grade of secondary school, out of a total of 656,834 ma…

97% of middle school students attend the first semester exam


97% of middle school students attend the first semester exam

One million and 834 thousand and 312 male / female students in the first year of middle school, tod…

Education: The start of broadcasting educational lessons for grades from primary to third secondary on the live broadcast platform


Education: The start of broadcasting educational lessons for grades from primary to third secondary on the live broadcast platform

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education sent a letter to the educational directorates in …